Ultimate Guide to Conquering Student Loans & Forgiveness Programs


Wallet Hacks, November 8, 2017

When I graduated college as a Computer Science major in the winter of 2001, I had to deal with one of the worst job markets in technology. I dealt with it by going back to school, completing a 1-year Masters program, and delay the job search by one year.

My already large student loan balance grew even larger. To be honest, I barely felt it because it was deferred and what’s the difference between a massive number and an even more massive number? I couldn’t wrap my head around it.

Fast forward a few years and the problem for my fellow college graduates is much worse.

My cost of attending Carnegie Mellon University was around $35,000 a year. It’s close to $70,000 now, once you factor in tuition, fees, room & board, books & supplies, etc.

That’s absolutely astounding.

If you’re battling student loans right now and you are having trouble understanding the different programs, I’m here to help.

I’ve enlisted the help of my friend Travis Hornsby, who runs Student Loan Planner, to help walk you through conquering your student loans. He’s just a regular guy who forced himself to learn about student loans because he and his fiancee had $124,000 in student debt. He now offers his knowledge to others for a fee, but we get it free.

Take it away Travis!

Read more here.

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