As the new year approaches, it’s a good time to conduct a year-end review of your finances. If you’re already using Quicken or Mint to keep tabs on your dollars and cents, there’s a new app that’s hoping to replace them. Read the full review here…
CountAbout Reviewed by MoneyCheck
January 5, 20201 MoneyCheck reviewed CountAbout. Here is what they had to say: “Whether its current accounts, savings accounts, credit cards, loans, investments, or debts – attempting to keep on…
Monday Night Finance- Volume 53
12 Alternatives You’ll Love: Our Top Picks for 2021 Do you track your expenses, keep a budget, or both? Chances are if you’ve done either of those activities in… reviews CountAbout Oct 27, 2020 Finder reviewed CountAbout. Here is what they had to say: If you’re looking for a budgeting tool that integrates with Mint and Quicken, CountAbout may fit…
CountAbout Reviewed by TopTenReviews January 14, 2017 TopTenReviews reviewed CountAbout. Here is what they had to say: CountAbout is one of just four browser-based programs featured in our personal finance software review. It…
Money Under 30 Reviews Best Budgeting Apps
March 2, 2021 recently updated their list of the best budgeting apps. CountAbout was rated the best for simplicity and small businesses. Here is what they had to say…
Money Under 30 Reviews Alternatives to Mint
March 2, 2021 recently reviewed alternatives to Mint. Here is what they had to say about CountAbout: Monitoring your income and expenses is fairly standard on most finance apps.…
Monday Night Finance- Volume 52
Do I Need a Will? Who Needs One and Why One unique aspect of being human is that we are able to contemplate our own mortality. How one reflects upon…
PCMagazine Review
Imports Mint and Quicken data. Thorough budget. Good transaction tracking. Customizable categories and tags. Exceptional recurring transaction options. #personalfinance