Why use a budget app to help break down – and then build up – your personal finances? Why not? #personalfinance
2019 IRS Limits
The threshold for workers who contribute to employer-sponsored 401(k), 403(b), most 457 plans and the federal government’s Thrift Savings Plan will increase to $19,000, up from $18,500. #personalfinance
How Do I Get a Free Credit Freeze?
Freezing your credit is the best way to keep criminals from accessing your credit without your consent. #personal finance
How much people really make in the ‘gig economy’
The “gig economy” has been hailed as a major disruption to the American workforce, but it’s not likely to replace the full-time job anytime soon. #personalfinance
This is what Americans think is the ideal age to retire. It’s older than you may want.
Americans, on average, think the ideal age to retire is 61 years old. #personalfinance
Credit Score Survey: Americans Understand the Basics, but Miss the Finer Points
Generally speaking, the higher your score, the more bargaining power you have with lenders when it comes to interest rates or even getting approved for a loan or line of credit. #personalfinance
Here’s how much the typical kid gets in allowance each year
Offering an allowance is an opportunity to teach children how to spend and save. People form many of their financial habits by seven years old, a 2013 University of Cambridge study found. #personalfinance
Building a Good Life with a Bad Credit Loan
Having bad credit can feel like getting a flat tire on your way toward a solid financial future. It can also make you feel like you’re the only one stranded on the side of the road with no help in sight. You could convince yourself that things may have been the same had you taken a different route. #personalfinance
How to get around Amazon Prime’s new $119 fee
Amazon is justifying Prime’s 20 percent price hike, to $119 a year, by saying it is more a valuable service than when the fee last rose four years ago. #personalfinance