CountAbout Reviewed by TechRadar


TechRadar reviewed CountAbout on September 18,2020. Here is what they had to say:


CountAbout is certainly a practical solution, not least of which because it lets you import data from Quicken or Mint. When you sign up you’re encouraged to do that early on, and there are some decent instructions that walk you through the steps.

You also get an easy access Account Maintenance approach, which during setup means you can select the option to have transactions automatically downloaded from the financial institutions you deal with. Once you’re into the main working area you’ll find that the interface is clean, fuss-free and easy to navigate.

The interface is additionally impressive in that it can be customized to suit your individual needs. For example, any kind of additional category can be added into the left-screen menus, while others that you don’t need can be removed. If you need it the ability to add in and manage invoices is also another boon, especially if you’re a small business owner. ~TechRadar

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