Monday Night Finance- Volume 107

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Best Student Discounts And Deals To Use While In College

While many college graduates look back on their university days with fondness, it was also a financially challenging time. Not only were you having to feed and house yourself for the first time in your life after years of mom and dad footing the bill, but you had to come up with money to pay for tuition as well. While college students are amazing at finding creative ways to get by on little money, they may  be completely unaware of special deals that can help stretch their dollars further. Many companies offer student discounts on everything from cell phone plans to streaming services and educational resources. Unfortunately, many people are completely unaware of these deals. Knowing where to look and how to access these deals can make a significant difference, offering some relief in a sea of expenses and providing a bit of financial breathing room in the tight budget of a college student.

The trouble is, it can be hard to find student discounts. You have to know where to look, what companies may offer them, and then potentially jump through various hoops to make it happen.

~Robert Farrington, The College Investor

This article by Robert Farrington serves as a comprehensive guide for college students looking to maximize their savings on various products and services. From cell phone plans and streaming services to technology and news subscriptions, Farrington highlights a plethora of discounts specifically targeted at the student demographic. By leveraging student “.edu” email addresses, students can unlock significant savings, potentially amounting to thousands of dollars annually. The author emphasizes the importance of being proactive in seeking out these discounts, and urges students to consider both immediate and long-term financial impacts of pursuing these deals. The article is informative and supportive, aimed at empowering students to make financially savvy decisions without compromising on quality or missing out on essential services.

12 In-Demand Tech Jobs That Don’t Involve Coding

Silicon Valley is synonymous with money. While Baby Boomers counseled their children to become doctors or lawyers to pursue wealth, today’s parents dream of their children working for Facebook or Google after graduation. While these modern titans of the stock market are built upon the computer code they provide the world, they don’t just hire computer scientists. The tech industry, known for its robust growth and lucrative career opportunities, doesn’t exclusively cater to those with coding skills. If you dream of working for a tech company but can’t even write a computer program to display “Hello, World” then you’re definitely going to want to check out this article.

Tech is not for everyone but clearly this is an industry that isn’t going away anytime soon. If you are interested working in tech, but aren’t a coder or computer programmer, don’t worry – there are plenty of routes in.

~Joseph Williams, My Life I Guess

In this article Joseph Williams outlines 12 in-demand tech jobs that welcome individuals without a programming background, highlighting the diverse entry points into this ever-evolving field. From graphic design and marketing to cybersecurity and data analysis, he emphasizes the tech industry’s broad spectrum of roles that prioritize creativity, analytical thinking, and problem-solving over the ability to code. If you’re intrigued by tech but deterred by coding, this article highlights pathways to participate in the sector’s dynamic landscape. Williams’ tone is both encouraging and informative, aimed at demystifying the tech world’s opportunities for a broader audience, reassuring you that a place in tech is possible even if you hate coding.

How to Lower Your Cell Phone Bill: 10 Ways to Save

It’s nearly impossible to get by in 2024 without a cell phone. Whether it’s keeping in touch with work, managing our homes, or staying connected with loved ones, our smartphones have become inseparable parts of our lives.  Yet, the financial strain they place on our wallets is palpable. Despite the price of many tech items going down over time (have you seen how cheap TV’s are?), cell phones and phone bills seem stubbornly stuck at stratospheric levels. If you’re hoping to save a few bucks on your cell phone bill without sacrificing quality, you might want to check out this article.

Does your phone plan include an optional insurance policy? If so, consider canceling the insurance. If you’re worried about losing or damaging your phone, start setting a few dollars aside each month for a replacement. That way, you’ll have the cash to buy another phone when needed. Also, check your credit card. Many cards include cell phone insurance if you use it to pay your bill.

~Laurie Blank, WalletHacks

Laurie Blank’s article serves as a practical guide for anyone looking to cut down their monthly cell phone expenses. Engaging and informative, Blank shares various strategies that you can employ to reduce your bills without necessarily compromising on the quality of your cell phone service. From switching carriers to leveraging family plans and taking advantage of Wi-Fi, the article covers a broad spectrum of methods that cater to different needs and preferences. Particularly useful is the emphasis on reassessing your current plan and considering the use of discount mobile carriers, which often provide similar coverage at a fraction of the cost. Blank’s insights are not only based on her personal experience but also include valuable information on negotiating better deals and optimizing usage to match one’s actual needs, making the article a comprehensive resource for savvy consumers aiming to save on their cell phone bills.