Monday Night Finance- Volume 119

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A Staggering Amount of Wealth Creation

If I had to ask you about the current economy, you might think that it’s hard for people to get ahead. Especially people at the bottom rungs of the economic ladder. We are constantly bombarded by headlines about most Americans not being able to cover an unexpected expense. But what if I told you that the economy has created enormous amounts of wealth since 2020. And Americans are as wealthy as they ever were. Would you be ever more surprised to learn that these wealth gains weren’t limited to the top 1% but in fact the bottom 50% of households have also made tremendous gains in wealth?

Stocks, housing prices, net worth, home equity — everything is at all-time highs and the gains over the past 4+ years are unlike anything we’ve ever experienced in the modern economic age.

Ben Carlson, A Wealth of Common Sense

If those statistics surprised you, you should check out this article by Ben Carlson that summarizes levels of household wealth across various income levels in America. Carlson explains that the U.S. has gained $50 trillion in household wealth since 2020, pushing net worth to an all-time high of $154 trillion. While the top 10% still hold two-thirds of this wealth, the bottom 50% have seen their net worth grow substantially—reaching $3.8 trillion, more than double what it was pre-pandemic. Carlson also explores the potential consequences of this wealth surge, such as increased spending among higher-income earners and a stronger financial buffer for many households. But Carlson also warns about some downsides of this economic picture so be sure to check out the article. 

15 Reasons Not To Leave Your Savings to Your Children

Are you planning your estate? Do you assume that leaving all your savings to your children is your only option? It’s a common assumption, but it might not always lead to the best outcomes for your heirs or your legacy. Studies reveal that inherited wealth is often squandered due to poor financial choices, legal battles, and a sense of entitlement. Rather than guaranteeing a financial cushion for your children, it may be worth exploring alternative ways to use your savings that encourage independence and personal growth.

Handing over a large sum can sometimes hinder a child’s drive to achieve on their own. Like birds learning to fly, individuals often discover their true potential when they’re not overly cushioned by inherited wealth.

~Josh Hasting, Invested Wallet

If that thought intrigued you, you might want to check out this article by Josh Hasting which outlines 15 reasons why leaving all your wealth to your children might not be the best move. Hasting suggests that limiting or structuring inheritances can actually foster self-reliance, drive innovation, and encourage better money management. He also explains how wealth can be directed toward charitable causes, entrepreneurship, or educational opportunities, ultimately promoting a broader perspective on wealth and its impact. If you’re reconsidering your estate planning approach, this article is worth a read.

Why Switching to a Double Edge Safety Razor Could Save You Hundreds Every Year!

Have you ever noticed how much razor blades or cartridges cost? They’re so valuable that they’re often locked up at convenience stores to prevent theft. If you’re tired of paying a premium for cartridge razors or disposable blades, switching to a double edge safety razor could be the solution you’re looking for. Not only does it offer a closer, smoother shave, but it can also save you hundreds of dollars each year. By making the switch, you’ll improve your shaving routine and make a more sustainable choice for the environment.

The precision and control you get with a safety razor can help you achieve smoother results with less irritation. Plus, there’s something satisfying about the classic shaving experience it provides, making your daily routine feel a bit more luxurious.

~Daniel Webster,

But don’t just take my word for it. This article by Daniel Webster dives into the benefits of using a double edge safety razor, emphasizing both cost savings and a better overall shaving experience. Webster explains how reusable blades, which cost mere cents, make a significant difference to your budget compared to pricey cartridge refills. Additionally, he outlines the basics of using a safety razor, ensuring a comfortable and efficient shave with less irritation. If you’re ready to ditch expensive disposables and reduce waste, this article is a must-read for practical advice on making the switch to this classic shaving tool.