Monday Night Finance- Volume 27

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Kids Books About Money: 10 Children’s Stories to Develop Financial Literacy and Empowermennt

Anyone with kids has probably had to try to explain money to them at some point in time. Even if you’re not having direct conversations with kids about money, they’re constant observers. Many of the financial lessons I learned from my parents weren’t from teaching moments, but instead I learned from secretly overhearing adult conversations. If you have a nagging feeling that you “should be doing something” about teaching kids about money, reading books together can be a place to start. Not only will the kids understand money from the context of the book, but the stories provide a launching point for conversations about money within your own family.

Over time, my obvious tricks of getting my kids interested in money books have worked. Now, they call for them by name. Maybe they are being nice to their nerdy Dad, but I don’t mind. I think they’re going to grow up to be super happy, wealthy and generous kids. ~Marriage Kids and Money

In this post, Andy from Marriage Kids and Money describes some of his favorite children’s books about money. The list is full of picture books perfect for reading to kids under 10 years old. For each book, Andy lists the ideal age range and some money lessons that the book teaches. While there are some classics on the list, including the Berenstain Bears and L’il Critter, there are plenty of modern books as well. I was surprised to read that some books mention FinTech companies and debit cards for kids. Check out the post for a list of potential bed time stories.

Be an Outlier. Interview Series | Meet Bryce, A Focused Minimalist’s Approach to FI/RE

The FI/RE movement is comprised of individuals who work towards becoming financially independent and then retiring early to pursue other dreams. Over the past few years, the FIRE movement has captured the imagination of the mainstream media with many articles highlighting people’s extreme frugality causing deprivation. While these extreme examples are great at attracting readers, they’re not a representative cross section of people in the movement.

Imagine being able to spend time with someone who’s living the life you want. Someone who’s living a life that most people only dream of. From traveling the world, to working remotely, to being financially independent and retired early (FI/RE)… and beyond. In other words, being an outlier! ~Screw the Average

In this article, Shannon and Sergio, of Screw the Average, interview Bryce, a Network Engineer who recently retired early. Bryce details his path to FIRE. He describes in great detail his career including how he climbed the corporate ladder and increased his income. Early in his career, he used this money to buy “toys” such as fast cars and motorcycles. However, this high paying job was taking a toll on him so he decided to shift focus to reduce his spending and hopefully retire early. Bryce’s frugal living allowed him to achieve early retirement. His current plans involve touring the US in a RAV4 he turned into a camper-van and decompressing from his job.

Make a Happiness List to Send Your Finance Goals into Warp Drive

If you’re reading this blog, you obviously care about money. But why do you care about money? You could just as easily be reading a blog about your favorite sports team or what features are predicted to be on the next iPhone. Maybe the question seems silly, since money is essential for our very existence. Without it, we’d starve and struggle to find shelter. But are merely working to amass wealth, or do you have a plan for that money?

Making this kind of list for yourself is another way of ensuring you’re in line with your goals and dreams. Mine have obvious tie-ins with my own dreams: building a mountain home surrounded by forests, world travel, and (obviously) getting the extra guac at Chipotle. ~We Want Guac

In this article, Darcy from We Want Guac shares her happiness list of the 10 things that make her the happiest and she encourages you to do the same. Creating a happiness list is a great way to focus your energy (and your money) to make sure it is being directed towards the things that make you the happiest in life. While this sounds obvious, sometimes it can be difficult. For instance, if you get offered a promotion with a higher salary with more responsibility, you may decide to not take the job if your happiness list is filled with family and other goals. Furthermore, the list can help summon willpower to save, even when difficult, by helping you see how it moves you closer to what makes you happy in life.