Monday Night Finance- Volume 32

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140 Empowering Quotes about Money and Personal Finance

Sometimes we all need motivation to reach our finance goals. Perhaps we’re having a bad day. Or maybe we suffered a financial setback and it seems like the world is ending. During times like these, it’s helpful to draw upon the wisdom of others. Famous quotes are often a great way to draw inspiration during dark times. They were spoken by great thinkers who were probably going through something similar to your current situation. Finding their perspectives can help us see our own situation in a new light and hopefully move forward to a positive outcome.

After each episode of my award-winning podcast, I share a quote that motivates me and the listeners to take action. I call them my “Carpe Diem” quotes because I feel like “seizing the day” after hearing them. Below I’ve compiled a list of my favorite quotes about money from my first 200 episodes. ~Andy Hill

Andy Hill from Marriage, Kids, and Money has compiled a list of 120 inspirational quotes about money. The quotes are split into categories, which include wealth, giving back, families, and financial planning among others. If you feel like you’re not getting anywhere, you may draw comfort from this quote: “Timing, perseverance, and 10 years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.” ― Biz Stone (co-founder of Twitter). Or perhaps if your goal is to grow as a family, you may enjoy this quote by Mother Teresa, “Love begins by taking care of the closest ones – the ones at home.” If you feel like you need inspiration, check out the list!

How to Avoid Monthly Fees From Your Bank

Fees are odious. They are wasted money- it’s money that disappears from your account and you get nothing in return. No one likes finding out they owe a late fee, overdraft fee, or “service fee”. And no matter how careful you are, it seems like it’s impossible to avoid fees forever. Sometimes they just sneak up on you years after signing up for an account because you broke one of the account’s many rules. If you’ve recently got hit by a fee or are trying to avoid future fees, this article is perfect for you.

These days every dollar you make counts, so it’s important to look closely at where your money is going. Paying monthly expenses like the electric bill and groceries is essential. Paying a monthly fee to simply have a bank account is not. ~TrueFees

In this article, TrueFees breaks down the facts about bank fees. Last year, over $1 billion in bank fees were collected by just the five biggest banks! While these fees are great for the bank, they’re horrible for the consumer. The best option is to find a bank that does not charge fees; the article presents several options. In general, big banks have the largest fees. You may also have better luck at credit unions, which by law must return their profits to their members (typically by offering better rates and lower fees).

How to Find Time & Energy for Your Side Hustle

We write a lot about side hustles on Monday Night Finance. Side hustles are projects that you take on to earn extra income where you are the boss. Often these micro-businesses make a great second job because you can scale them to the amount of time you have and can write off business expenses. Who knows, perhaps your side hustle could even grow into a large business that gets bought out. However, side hustles don’t magically grow themselves. They need time and effort to grow.

You’ve come up with the perfect side hustle, and you can’t wait to bring in more income and do something you love. But you can’t find the time or energy to make it happen. Now what? ~Amy from Early Morning Money

If you’ve started your side hustle but are having time finding time for it, Amy from Early Morning Money has put together this article just for you. If you’re having problems finding time to work on your side-hustle, perhaps you could try getting up earlier and working before anyone else in your house wakes up. This distraction free time could be devoted solely towards your side hustle. The same could be said for late-night sessions (if you’re a night owl). Just make sure you don’t sacrifice too much sleep because your health is worth more than any sidle hustle. Another great thing about side hustles are that many of them are portable. If you’re a writer, you can write anywhere. (I’ve written blog posts using the WordPress app on my phone using speak-to-text dictation). Finally, you can try experimenting to see what works best for you.