Monday Night Finance- Volume 84

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It’s Worth How Much? The Surprising (Non-) Value Of Stuff

If you had to sell all of the possessions in your house, how much money do you think you could get? Many people would likely give a higher estimate than what their possessions are actually worth. I’m sure if you talked with an auctioneer or someone who does estate sales, their estimate of the value of your current positions is actually lower than your guess. Not only do we remember what we paid for that lamp in the living room, we often attach sentimental value to their possessions, making us horrible judges of value. I mean, how much is someone really going to pay for that couch in “good but not perfect” condition? Examining the value of our stuff can help us develop a healthier relationship with our possessions as this article points out.

If I had to liquidate everything today, I wouldn’t come close to recouping what I paid. (And that’s okay because I don’t buy games to sell them. I buy them to play.) However, this little experiment shows that people often overestimate the value of their stuff. I certainly did.

Jennifer Derrick

The article begins by exploring the idea that the value of our possessions often doesn’t align with their usefulness or importance in our lives. Many people tend to accumulate stuff without really considering how much they need or use it, and that this mindset can lead to clutter and a sense of dissatisfaction. To illustrate this point, the author shares a personal story about the board games they owned. Despite having a collection of over 50 games, they realized that they only played a handful of them on a regular basis. While some of the games held sentimental value or had been purchased for a specific occasion, many of them simply took up space on the shelf and didn’t add much to their overall happiness. What do these board games teach us? While it’s natural to attach emotional significance to certain items, it’s also important to recognize when our possessions are no longer serving us and to let go of them in order to make room for more meaningful experiences.

The Ultimate Guide to Investing in International Stocks: Risks, Rewards, and Strategies

Have you ever considered whether your investment portfolio is sufficiently diversified to protect against market fluctuations? Do you know how to balance your asset allocation to optimize returns while minimizing risks? If not, then I’m sure you’re not alone. There are many different ways to invest your money and it can be difficult to understand whether or not your portfolio is optimally balanced. One potential source of diversification is international stocks. However, it can be a mistake to think that all international stocks are giving you the same diversification. If you want to dip your toe into international waters, you might want to check out this article that explores the performance of the stocks of different countries.

The first thing you will notice is that there is a wide range of outcomes across these nine markets. Some showed extreme volatility (Poland), some produced weaker growth (Italy, Singapore), and some produced fantastic growth (US, Australia).

Nick Maggiulli

The article argues that investors should consider adding international stocks to their portfolios, as they offer diversification benefits and potentially higher returns than domestic stocks. While the US market has historically performed well, it’s important to remember that past performance is not a guarantee of future results. By investing in international stocks, investors can potentially access new sources of growth and hedge against domestic economic risks. By investing in stocks from different countries, investors can potentially reduce their exposure to domestic economic risks and take advantage of growth opportunities in other markets. To illustrate this point, the article provides an example of the annualized returns and Sharpe ratios for different countries over the past decade. Furthermore, depending on the time window you examine, different stock markets performed differently, offering you more diversification. 

What Do Principals Look for When Hiring Teachers

Spring is the beginning of hiring season for school districts. Are you an educator looking to move into a new role this year? Or perhaps you are a student who wants to get your first teaching job? The prospect of an upcoming interview can be daunting, especially if you feel unprepared or uncertain about what to expect. However, fear not! This article by EducatorFI provides valuable insights into what principals look for when hiring teachers, offering tips and strategies to help you prepare for your next interview with confidence. Whether you’re a seasoned educator or just starting out in the field, this article is just what you need to take your teaching career to the next level.

When principals look to hire new teachers, you need to have the right qualifications and licenses, be passionate about teaching, demonstrate a commitment to students and inclusivity, pay attention to detail, and have strong communication skills.

Ed, EducatorFI

The article explores what principals look for when hiring teachers, providing insights into the hiring process and what qualities are valued by school administrators. According to the article, principals generally look for candidates who are knowledgeable about their subject matter, have a strong work ethic, and are passionate about teaching. They also value candidates who are able to build positive relationships with students and colleagues, as well as those who are flexible and willing to adapt to changing circumstances. The article notes that the hiring process typically involves a series of interviews and assessments, which may include classroom observations and written tasks. In addition, principals may seek input from other teachers and administrators when making hiring decisions. One key takeaway from the article is the importance of demonstrating a commitment to ongoing professional development. Overall, the article provides valuable insights into the hiring process for teachers and highlights the qualities that principals value in candidates. By understanding what principals are looking for, prospective teachers can better prepare themselves for the hiring process and position themselves as strong candidates for teaching positions.