CountAbout named best app for tracking expenses and receipts


September 23rd, 2021

CountAbout was recently named the best app for tracking expenses and receipts by Government Worker FI. Here is what they had to say

Why CountAbout is the best app for tracking expenses and receipts

Tracking expenses in CountAbout is easy. You can link your bank accounts. Then, when you log into CountAbout it will automatically download all new financial transactions across your accounts and load them to your dashboard. You can use manual entry to input cash transaction either on the web or Apple/Android mobile devices.

Before CountAbout will record the transactions, you need to review and inspect them. This is a super important feature for me. I’ve used other budgeting apps like Mint or Personal Capital and would “see” various dial gauges of my spending but never really “felt” their impact. That’s why I used a spreadsheet for so long. I wanted to get “physical” with each transaction.

You can also categorize each transaction however you want to. I hated how Mint would lump all of my hotel expenses as “travel” when most of my hotel costs were for work travel that was reimbursed. I wanted to characterize that as “work” or make it invisible from my finance tracking entirely. CountAbout allows me to have full customization, including the ability to split a transaction. (Did you buy makeup at the grocery store with a gallon of milk? You can split it into two categories if you want).

Read the rest of the review.

Ready to try it out yourself? Click here for a 45 day free trial.