Generally speaking, the higher your score, the more bargaining power you have with lenders when it comes to interest rates or even getting approved for a loan or line of credit. #personalfinance
Category: Uncategorized
Here’s how much the typical kid gets in allowance each year
Offering an allowance is an opportunity to teach children how to spend and save. People form many of their financial habits by seven years old, a 2013 University of Cambridge study found. #personalfinance
Building a Good Life with a Bad Credit Loan
Having bad credit can feel like getting a flat tire on your way toward a solid financial future. It can also make you feel like you’re the only one stranded on the side of the road with no help in sight. You could convince yourself that things may have been the same had you taken a different route. #personalfinance
How to get around Amazon Prime’s new $119 fee
Amazon is justifying Prime’s 20 percent price hike, to $119 a year, by saying it is more a valuable service than when the fee last rose four years ago. #personalfinance
Help Your College Grad Become an Investor
Finding the right gift for a college graduate can be tough. It’s nearly impossible to pick out the latest gadget—let alone the latest fashions—and just cash may strike you as too impersonal. So what can you give a young person, just starting out, that would be useful and meaningful? #personalfinance
Avoid ATMs on weekends, choose your gas pump wisely and other tips to keep your finances safe when traveling
“Skimmers” can grab your financial data when you swipe your card, and you may not know anything about it until you literally pay the price. #personalfinance
This is the worst financial mistake a grandparent can make
When seniors default on federal student loans, their Social Security benefits can be docked to repay the debt. As much as 15 percent of your benefit payment can be withheld. If there is a silver lining, it’s this: Your Social Security benefits can’t be dunned for defaulting on private student loans. But the lender can still take you to court to try to collect the amount due. #personalfinance
No retirement savings? Thinking you’ll just work longer? Think again.
You know you need to save for retirement, but so many other things are getting in the way — kids, a mortgage, the vacations to take to stay sane. #personal finance
It’s not fun to do a ‘paycheck checkup’ — but do it anyway
As you may know, Congress passed some major tax legislation at the end of last year. Actually, it turns out that 26 percent of Americans don’t know this, and about half haven’t heard that income-tax brackets are changing. #personalfinance